Sixth Day in the Octave of the Nativity
Year C
Reading: 1 John 2:12-17
Responsorial Psalm: PS 96:7-10
“Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice!”
Gospel: Luke 2:36-40
1 John 2:15 – “Do not love the world or the things of the world”
John is such an astute writer. The first letter of John (the same John that wrote the fourth Gospel, and the longest-lived apostle of Jesus Christ) offers us some simple truths from which we would hugely benefit if only we could act on the advice!
To some degree, we all love the things of this world because they are physically available to us right now. The proof of them, and the ‘good’ they bring are immediate. We don’t have to wait, we don’t have to have faith. They are there and we can benefit right now.
Yet, John is right to warn us of the cheap celebration of worldly goods. He knows where our hearts should be directed. Coveting goods that make us feel better is such a short-lived joy. Indeed, it isn’t really joy at all. It’s a temporary hit that keeps our human minds focused on the wrong things. Owning things that make us (in our own minds) superior to one another is such a weakness!
True strength comes from following the example of Jesus. His life is laid out for us in the Gospels and the key messages provided by the Gospel writers, of which John was a master. Be grateful for the faith of the apostles, and notably John. His messages are right in front of us. Let us follow his instructions, as they are instructions from God.
Pray for peace in our world today.
With thanks to Holy Name of Mary Parish, Hunters Hill, who have supplied these daily Advent and Christmas 2021 reflections from their publication Daily Inspirations of Faith: A Season of Prayer – Advent to Epiphany 2021-22.