Rodrigo Rupac of St Andrew the Apostle Parish, Marayong has been accepted as a candidate for Holy Orders, in the Permanent Diaconate. He and wife Agnes are thrilled about him becoming a Permanent Deacon.
Rodrigo, or Rudy, has a strong devotion to the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary. St Therese of Lisieux, St Claire of Assisi and St Anthony of Padua are some of the saints who have guided him.
“My discernment on the call to the Diaconate had been quite a long life process,” Rodrigo said. He has been part of the Permanent Diaconate program since 2012.
Rodrigo discerned to leave the seminary in 1972 and almost ten years later, came to Australia from the Philippines with his family.
Learn more: Permanent Diaconate
Learn more: St Andrew the Apostle Parish, Marayong
“From day one (in Australia), I already planned to renew my prayer life and reconnect my services to the Church. From here on, one blessing led to another and more blessings.”
Rodrigo counts his blessings, including being able to provide for his family, find a strong parish community, and complete a Bachelor of Theology after work.
The family then settled in St Andrew the Apostle Parish, Marayong, after their fifth and final child was born.
When Rodrigo finished his Bachelor of Theology at the Catholic Institute of Sydney, Agnes showed him a feature about Permanent Diaconate in Catholic Outlook. She asked him, “Why don’t you apply as a Permanent Married Deacon? I will support you.”
“Looking back to past events and countless blessings and graces that we received, I’ve realised that God was not only calling me to serve Him and His Church but he has actually led me and helped me prepare and discern His call.”
Rodrigo believes that Agnes’ question was God’s loudest invitation to pursue the vocation of Permanent Diaconate.
“She is already feeling ecstatic whenever the date of my ordination as a Permanent Deacon is hopefully wished for and discussed in the family circle,” he said.
Agnes and Rodrigo had five children together after 40 years of marriage. To celebrate, they are going on pilgrimage to the Marian Shrines of Fatima and Lourdes.
The couple met in 1975 during a Government Civil Service Examination. By chance, they ran into each other in an elevator two months later and started dating.
In Australia, Rodrigo worked as an Administrative Officer (State Transit position). He shared his faith when friends enquired about his lunchtime reading, which was often scriptural commentaries and theological books.
Learn more: Permanent Diaconate
Learn more: St Andrew the Apostle Parish, Marayong
Rodrigo is eager to move into this new stage of life, devoted to service of the Church through the Mass and pastoral outreach. His enthusiasm and love for God are palpable.
“One body of teaching that continuously fascinates and captivates me is about the Holy Mass. I believe the Mass ought to be the nerve centre of our life and prayers – personally and collectively. As the Catechism describes, it is truly the ‘source and summit of the Christian Life’.”
“The ultimate sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross is perpetuated in the celebration of the Mass.”
“There is much, much more to this amazing reality of our salvation. I hope I could reflect, explore and articulate this more fully because I believe that I am and we all are active and existential part of Christ’s ultimate suffering and sacrifice on the Cross.”
Learn more: Permanent Diaconate
Learn more: St Andrew the Apostle Parish, Marayong