The installation Mass for Fr Wim Hoekstra at Blacktown recently was by no means his first as Parish Priest – he was ordained almost 50 years ago – but for him this latest appointment is just as meaningful as the others. ...
Dr GEOFF LEE ( Parramatta ) ( 18:38 ): Today I welcome and congratulate the new Bishop of Parramatta, Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen, OFM Conventuals. Bishop Vincent was installed as Bishop of the Western Sydney region for the Parramatta Diocese on Thursday 16 June in a moving and inspiring installation mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral,...
The video from The Liturgical Reception and Mass of Installation of Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv is now available. To view the video here (Please credit Diocese of Parramatta) ...
The Liturgical Reception and Mass of Installation of Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv as the fourth Bishop of Parramatta will take place tonight, Thursday 16 June 2016 at 7.30pm in St Patrick’s Cathedral in Parramatta. An outdoor screening of the celebration will take place in Prince Alfred...
Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP was installed as the third Bishop of Parramatta on 4 March in St Patrick’s Cathedral. More than 2,000 people gathered in the cathedral precinct for the Mass, which was streamed live by the Catholic social networking site xt3.com. Bishop Fisher, a former auxiliary bishop...