It’s been an excruciating week – seeing how Hamas has not been defeated despite the untold damage wreaked on Palestinian civilians in Gaza, hearing President Trump declare that he has a real estate solution for Gaza turning it into the Riviera of the Middle East, and watching our political...
Christ has given them much love and grace. Their sins and their own personal qualities have not stopped Christ’s love for them. Seeing that, what is to stop them from taking that love and sharing it with others, helping Jesus’ work in the world continue until the end of...
Every time a Christian undermines human dignity and abuses or kills someone, they add to Jesus’ own suffering. This is because Jesus suffers in and with everyone who suffers injustice in the world....
Lunch with some of the poor people of Rome has become tradition for Pope Francis as he, along with the global Church, celebrate World Day of the Poor....
On borders everywhere in the world today we find refugees, millions of them. They’re easily demonised, seen as a nuisance, a threat, as invaders, as criminals fleeing justice in their homelands. But mostly they are decent, honest people fleeing poverty, hunger, victimisation, and violence. And these reasons for fleeing...
Bishop Vincent's Homily: God uses the outcasts to show us the model of discipleship
Homily for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B...
Hundreds of students, teachers and staff from Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) came together at West HQ Rooty Hill recently for the 2024-2025 Australian Catholic Bishops Conference's (ACBC) Social Justice Statement Schools Launch: Truth & Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World....