Hundreds of students, teachers and staff from Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese (CSPD) came together at West HQ Rooty Hill recently for the 2024-2025 Australian Catholic Bishops Conference's (ACBC) Social Justice Statement Schools Launch: Truth & Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World....
Most Reverend Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv DD STL, Bishop of Parramatta, delivers a Homily for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time: a
choice for God in Christ means a costly discipleship....
Today is Social Justice Sunday. Our bishops have produced a document entitled ‘Truth and Peace: A Gospel Word in a Violent World’. In today’s first reading, Joshua gives a choice to the elders and leaders of the tribes of Israel gathered at Shechem. They can choose whatever gods they...
The heart of the Bishops’ message lies in an engagement with Indigenous Australians that is based not on distance nor the desire to help but on a love that will permeate and bring change to society and its politics....
Bishop Vincent's address to the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference's 2023-24 Social Justice Statement Launch - "Listen, Learn, Love: A New Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples"
Holy Family Primary School, Emerton
17 August 2023...
By Sr Louise McKeogh FMA, Catholic Outlook, November 2016 Social Justice Sunday on 25 September 2016 saw a most significant and meaningful launch of this year’s Australian Catholic Bishops Social Justice Statement at Sacred Heart Parish, Blackheath. To view a gallery of photos from the launch, click here. the...
Address by Most Rev Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta, given at the diocesan launch of the Australian Catholic Bishops 2016-17 Social Justice Statement, Sacred Heart Parish, Blackheath, on Sunday 25 September. Friends, Welcome to the diocesan launch of this year’s Social Justice Statement by the Australian Catholic...
Following the 2015-2016 Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Social Justice Statement on asylum seekers and refugees (see article opposite), CatholicOutlook chatted to prominent refugee, Schools Liaison Officer for Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta, and Permanent Diaconate candidate, John Cinya. A refugee from South Sudan who fled the civil war in...
The Australian Bishops launched their 2015/2016 Social Justice Statement on the 9th September at Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney, the same day the Australian Government announced their increased intake of 12,000 Syrians. The launch also paralleled the moment people from across the world were stopped by the media image...