In a room filled with parishioners from the Diocese of Parramatta and beyond, as well as religious, ministry leaders and heads of Catholic agencies, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta, delivered his annual lecture exploring Vatican II’s influence on what it means to be Church today.
In the lecture, on 12 November at the Bishop Bede Heather Centre, Blacktown, Bishop Vincent explained the four constitutions that were developed in the process of the Second Vatican Council.
In one of them, Lumen Gentium, the Church is described as a mystery, ‘a kind of sacrament of intimate union with God, and of the unity of all mankind’, and the people of God, he told the audience.
It outlined the Church’s role as ‘a light to the nations’, engaging with the world to bring the message of Christ, and to engage in dialogue with contemporary society.
Another constitution, Dei Verbum, spoke of revelation as occurring within the whole People of God and that the working of the Holy Spirit is not only granted to the ordained, but to all the faithful, Bishop Vincent said.
Thus God was inviting men and women into fellowship with Him, and that the participation of all the faithful is necessary for discerning the voice of the Holy Spirit.
The constitution on the sacred liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, recognised the value and richness of different traditions in the Church, Bishop Vincent said.
The talk was held in the Bishop Bede Heather Centre in Blacktown. Image: Mission Enhancement Team/Diocese of Parramatta
This led to the allowing of local languages in the liturgy and the importance of community prayer. The rites for sacraments were revised and a new Roman Missal was issued offering a richer selection of Scripture.
While the fourth constitution, Gaudiem et Spes, talks of the Church’s love and solidarity to all people – followers of Christ or not – by fostering true fraternity and assistance, Bishop Vincent said.
A key underlying theme of his lecture was that prayer, belief and one’s way of life are all interrelated (lex orandi, lex credendi, lex vivendi). Hence, the commitment to being a more synodal Church, where the Church listens and accompanies the other, should influence how Catholic faith communities connect with the wider world, how they express their beliefs and how they come together to worship.
Bishop Vincent also spoke of theologian Rosemary Goldie, a local from the Diocese of Parramatta who attended Our Lady of Mercy College (OLMC). She played a significant role in the Church, being the only Australian woman among 23 other women to attend sessions of the Second Vatican Council as an observer. She was also the first woman to hold a senior position in the Vatican. Inspired by her symbolic example, Bishop Vincent expressed his ongoing commitment for the Diocese to emulate that pioneering spirit by responding to Pope Francis’ calls for a more synodal style of being Church in the world.
Among those who attended (one participant travelled from the northern beaches to hear the Bishop speak), were leaders from Catholic agencies and partners, including representatives from Catholic Mission, Community Ventures and the Diocesan Interfaith Commission.
“It was such a gift to have Bishop Vincent share his insights and wisdom on [Vatican II],” one participant said.
“I thought [Bishop] Vincent was really great! His information was accurate. He was sensitive when speaking about [Vatican II] issues,” said another participant, who has longstanding experience in missionary work.
The annual lecture was introduced in 2023 to coincide with the ongoing process of the Diocese of Parramatta’s first-ever Synod. The lecture was designed as an opportunity to hear from Bishop Vincent on the interconnection between Vatican II, synodality and the vision for Parramatta Diocese in line with the universal Church. It follows the desire and openness among those in the diocesan community to “strengthen adult faith formation through regionally focused programs”, as expressed in the most supported resolution that informed the development of the Diocesan Plan for a Synodal Church.
Click on these links for more information about our Synod or the Diocesan Pastoral Plan.