SRE Catechists celebrated at annual Mass

By Belinda Gadd, 5 December 2024
Students from Catholic Schools celebrated this year’s annual Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral, Parramatta. Image: Alphonsus Fok/ Diocese of Parramatta


Dozens of Special Religious Education (SRE) Catechists, together with students and educators from around 17 Catholic Schools celebrated this year’s annual Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Mass, led by Bishop of Parramatta, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv together with Fr Robert Riedling, Episcopal Vicar for Education and Dean of the Cathedral and Father Zvonimir Gavranovic.  

Held at St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta on Friday 22 November 2024, the Mass celebrated the ministry of SRE Catechists who teach scripture in public schools across Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains. 

In his homily, Bishop Vincent shared his deep gratitude to God for the catechists in the Diocese, who share the mission of making Christ known to and loved by young people in public schools. 

Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv, Bishop of Parramatta delivers his homily during this year’s annual Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. Image: Alphonsus Fok/ Diocese of Parramatta

“Given the increasing secularisation of our society and the spiritual alienation of many, this mission is a daunting task,” Bishop Vincent said. 

“As Confraternity of Christian Doctrine catechists, you embody the missionary spirit of Jesus and Mary.  You choose to go beyond yourselves in order to enter the world of young people,” he said. 

“Your faith lived in the crucible of everyday life, with all its trials and tribulations, its joys and sorrows, is the best gift that one can share with others.  

“I am tremendously indebted to you for being the heralds of the Good News,” Bishop Vincent said. 

“God only knows the impact of your ministry to the young people in our Diocese.” 


Long service recognised

Following the Mass, Bishop Vincent presented awards and certificates of recognition to SRE Catechists and student representatives for their long service, dedication, and commitment to Catholic education. 

Students from Catholic Schools process in to celebrate this year’s annual Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Mass at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. Image: Alphonsus Fok/ Diocese of Parramatta

50 years of ministry  

Anne Sullivan of Baulkham Hills parish and Fr Zvonimir Gavranovic of Glenwood-Stanhope Gardens parish received the inaugural Bishop Kevin Manning Medal for 50 years’ service to the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine.  

Why SRE catechists matter 

Angela Bogdanovic has taught scripture for 25 years in Kingswood Parish and received a certificate in recognition of her service.  

“I love to do it, and God wants me to do it,” Angela said. She said no teaching experience is needed, and training is provided. 

“It’s fantastic,” she said. 

Marcia Green from Emu Plains Parish is touched when students look forward to seeing her year after year. She’s been teaching scripture in public schools for 15 years. 

“I never come out of that classroom, where I’m not feeling fulfilled. I always feel a great satisfaction.” 

“I get more out of it I think than the students.” 

Fr Zvonimir Gavranovic (left) of Glenwood-Stanhope Gardens parish received the inaugural Bishop Kevin Manning Medal for 50 years’ service to the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Image: Alphonsus Fok/ Diocese of Parramatta

Andrea and Alona, Year 10 students from Caroline Chisholm College in Glenmore Park, were delighted to attend. 

“I was really happy to be part of something like this and represent my College and my faith,” Andrea said. 

Alona added, “It’s exciting to be here … and also teaching others about their faith and how they can strengthen that at a young age.” 

Francesca, a Year 10 student at Montgrove College in Orchard Hills, said, It’s really eye-opening knowing that some of these kids aren’t raised in homes where scripture is available to them always.” 

“So it’s really nice and really heart-warming to be able to share it with them.” 

Students pose with the statue of St Pope John Paul II in the Cathedral’s forecourt. Image: Alphonsus Fok/ Diocese of Parramatta

Her friend Georgia added, “It’s been a really wonderful experience being able to work together as a team and teach the young children around us.” 

“I think it’s been really good for us to also strengthen our way of faith and learn more about it.” 

Thomas and Jack, Year 10 students from St Dominic’s College in Kingswood, said the scripture classes can be really fun. 

“We learn a lot, having to prepare the lessons, stuff like that. It’s been a lot of fun,” Jack said. 

Thomas said the scripture students enjoy the engaging activities most. 

“They’re pretty fun. They get really engaged in that,” he said. 

SRE Catechists and students with Bishop Vincent. Image: Alphonsus Fok/ Diocese of Parramatta

Other long service milestones  

Congratulations to the SRE Catechists who were recognised for their long service milestones. 

35 years’ service 

  • Mary Anne Xuereb – Doonside/Quakers Hill Parish 
  • Mary Duncombe – Katoomba Parish  
  • Br Louis Schmidt – Kellyville Parish  
  • Vicky Sant – Lalor Park Parish 
  • Frances Vassallo – Marayong Parish 

30 years’ service 

  • Pauline O’Brien – Baulkham Hills Parish 
  • Rose Grima – Cranebrook Parish 
  • Vickey Scicluna – Cranebrook Parish 
  • Phyllis Portelli – Windsor Parish 

25 years’ service 

  • Maria Vella – Cranebrook Parish 
  • Crystal Rodricks – Doonside Parish 
  • Caroline Chisholm College – Glenmore Park Parish 
  • Wendy Hord – Lalor Park Parish 
  • Nonita Sebastian – St Marys Parish 

20 years’ service – Papal Blessing 

The following SRE Catechists received a certificate form Pope Francis in recognition of their long service achievement. 

  • Valerie Goodwin -Dundas Valley Parish 
  • Patricia Shaw – Greystanes Parish 
  • Catherine Delaney – Marayong Parish 
  • Sara Nyssen – Katoomba Parish 
  • Dianitha Fernandopulle – Quakers Hill Parish  
  • Rosanna Brown – Riverstone Parish 

Special thanks to all the Catholic Schools who attended: Bede Polding College, Windsor South; Caroline Chisolm College, Glenmore Park; Gilroy Catholic College, Castle Hill; Marian Catholic College, Kenthurst; Montgrove College, Orchard Hills; Nagle College, Blacktown; Patrician Brothers College, Blacktown; Penola Catholic College, Emu Plains; St Agnes Catholic High School, Rooty Hill; St Andrews College, Marayong; St Columba’s Catholic College, Springwood; St Dominic’s College, Kingswood; St John Paul II Catholic College, Schofields; St John XXIII Catholic College, Stanhope Gardens; St Patrick’s Marist College, Dundas Valley; St Paul’s Catholic College, Greystanes; and Wollemi College, Werrington. 

View images from the Mass here or below.

2024 CCD Annual Mass and Awards Ceremony

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