On a perfect winter’s day, 17 seminarians, priests and parishioners from the Diocese of Parramatta joined with 90,000 others in participating in the annual City2Surf fun run on Sunday.
Whilst participants broke personal bests and dressed in colourful costumes over the 14km course from the Sydney CBD to Bondi Beach, the Diocesan team got #Active4Vocations in order to promote priestly vocations and to raise funds to support our six Holy Spirit Seminarians’ education and formation.
The Parramatta Catholic Foundation’s #Active4Vocations team was led by Fr Matthew Dimian, Assistant Priest at St Bernadette’s Parish, Castle Hill, and a former Diocesan seminarian and included a large group of parishioners from his own parish as well as St John XXIII Parish Glenwood-Stanhope Gardens, Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, Greystanes and others.
Fr Matthew Dimian joined #Active4Vocations to “promote the dignity and beauty of priesthood and that it’s worth pursuing as a vocation.”
“Answering God’s call to a life of service as a priest requires a total giving of life – character, energy and sacrifice with a lot of reward.”

Fr Matthew Dimian (left), Assistant Parish Priest at St Bernadette’s Parish, Castle Hill, with Mark Buhagiar, Head of Clergy Health and Wellbeing after completing the 2024 City2Surf at Bondi Beach in August 2024. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta
One parishioner, Ai Ling Lim from St Bernadette’s Parish Castle Hill, was participating in the City2Surf for the fourth time.
“I joined the #Active4Vocations fundraising efforts at the City2Surf for fun and because it’s nice to meet our future priests and support them.”

Ai Ling Lim, parishioner from St Bernadette’s Parish, Castle Hill, ahead of the 2024 City2Surf at Bondi Beach in August 2024. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta
Ai said the fundraising brings front of the mind the seminarians who are sometimes in the background. She was grateful for the donations that she has received primarily from her parish music group.
Before the race on the steps of St Mary’s Cathedral, Fr Matthew Dimian prayed and blessed the team.

Fr Matthew Dimian (centre), Assistant Parish Priest at St Bernadette’s Parish, Castle Hill, blesses Diocesan competitors ahead of the 2024 City2Surf at Bondi Beach in August 2024. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta
Deacon Menard Gaspi, who is in the final stages of formation towards the priesthood and seminarian Macky Amores have both participated twice before in the City2Surf and are being supported in their journey to the priesthood by the faith community of Western Sydney and the Blue Mountains.
Deacon Menard chose to get #Active4Vocations and be involved in the City2Surf as “I believe it is important for the clergy and faithful to get out into the community and be a visible presence of Christ and the Church.
“To get involved in something as iconic as the City2Surf is a reminder that the Church cares about people’s goodness.”

(L-R) Holy Spirit seminarian Macky Amores, Fr Matthew Dimian, Assistant Parish Priest at St Bernadette’s Parish, Castle Hill, and Deacon Menard Gaspi from St John XXIII Parish, Glenwood-Stanhope Gardens, ahead of the 2024 City2Surf at Bondi Beach in August 2024. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta
Macky hoped that through his participation in the City2Surf, he was “encouraging and inspiring young men called to the priesthood to consider or answer the call to enter the seminary.”
He added he also wanted to break his previous time and wanted to strengthen health and foster fitness by jogging or walking, reduce stress for better mental health and self-care, foster community bonding and to build fun experiences.
In our #Active4Vocations team’s race to the finish line, Fr Matthew Dimian and Mark Buhagiar from the Diocese’s Clergy Health and Wellbeing Team placed equal first, with Vanessa Garcia from our Parish Support and Fundraising team next across the line, followed by Ai Ling Lim.
Having completed the scenic and sometimes gruelling course, Macky said he loved being with the people and feeling fit. Fr Matthew said the run was fun and worthwhile as he was being #Active4Vocations and inspiring young men to join the mission of the Good Shepherd and give their lives to God.

Diocesan competitors including Deacon Menard Gaspi from St John XXIII Parish, Glenwood-Stanhope Gardens (left) and Holy Spirit seminarian Macky Amores (third left) after completing the 2024 City2Surf at Bondi Beach in August 2024. Image: Alphonsus Fok/Diocese of Parramatta
Well done to all our #Active4Vocations team members for completing the iconic City2Surf 2024, and for raising much-needed funds to support vocations to the priesthood. The team did a fantastic job, exceeding our fundraising goal of $5,000 to support our Holy Spirit Seminarians and their dreams to become priests. We appreciate all the donations and support given to our #Active4Vocations team and thank our faith community for their support.
It’s not too late to show your support for our #Active4Vocations team for giving their personal best to support our Holy Spirit Seminarians on their path to the priesthood. You can spur them on with a donation @ tinyurl.com/Active4Vocations.
Everyone is welcome to join in the fun, get fit and be part of the fellowship in getting #Active4Vocations in next year’s City2Surf. We’d love to see you at the starting line. To register your interest, please reach out via yourfoundation@parracatholic.org
Check out all the fun, smiles and action from the City2Surf here or below:
Beckie Lee is a freelance journalist and contributor to Catholic Outlook.