The Diocese of Parramatta’s Safeguarding Champions Program has been in place for the past three years. This program is a way for parishes to demonstrate their Safeguarding Governance at the local level.
To date, the Diocese has 30 Safeguarding Champions across 27 parishes including one Chaplaincy. Three of these Champions have also been commissioned as Trainers to support parishioners within their parish to engage with the online learning platform.
The role of the Champion is to be another voice of encouragement and a source of clarity as their parish builds on its commitment to developing a safe community for children and adults at risk to enable them to participate and flourish in their faith community.
Safeguarding Champions also offer an advisory voice for the Prevention, Healing and Support Team as part of a Safe Parishes Network.
The Safeguarding Champions Team continues to grow each year. Two of our newly appointed Safeguarding Champions are Zac Culican from The Parish of Richmond and Paul Macaraeg of Mary Immaculate Parish, Quakers Hill-Schofields. They each share a commitment to involve themselves in Parish Ministry while also supporting and encouraging others.
Paul was drawn to the role of Safeguarding Champion as he believed it was an opportunity to “initiate and support initiatives raised by the parish to protect parishioners.” He hopes to bring a consideration of its effects to the whole parish.
When asked about future dreams for Safeguarding in their parishes, Zac hoped that the process for Safeguarding in the parish would become “more seamless so that it becomes something our Ministers/Volunteers look forward to as a way of deepening their ministry.”
Does your Parish have a Safeguarding Champion? Would you like to share in this important ministry that safeguards children and adults at risk in your Parish community?
If this is you – please talk with your Parish Priest.
Learn more about the role Safeguarding plays in the Diocese of Parramatta and how you can make your local community safe by visiting the Diocesan website.
Maria Kervin is the Manager – Prevention, Healing and Support in the Diocese of Parramatta. For further information, you are welcome to contact her at